About Us
Our mission includes to live as God wants us, to allow Jesus' redeeming work of the cross, death and resurrection be our only atonement, and to use the anointing of the Holy Spirit in our lives to Glorify God.
Ultimately, our mission can be summed up as follows: Our desire is to see the world around glorify God, a people that seeks to reconcile themselves and others to God, and fulfill the greatest of all commandments as Jesus instructed us in Matthew 22:37-3. ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ”
Our vision is coming into focus during this time. We see our church uniting with local churches to help one another and as a result reach more for Christ.
We are looking for anyone and all who will join us. By joining us we do not expect nor wish that any would leave their church for ours but to unite with us to reach Muncie.
Please reach out to us and become united for Christ’s Church!
We are located at 2800 N. Pauline Avenue, Muncie, IN.
Officially our service starts at 10:30 am each Sunday. It lasts about an hour most weeks and longer on some.
We do meet at 10:00 am for prayer. If you come in and find us in prayer you can quietly join us or join others outside the sanctuary for conversation. Fellowship is important so many catch up with each other during the time before service and after.
Children do separate out each week for lesson and activities. We are always looking for any young adults who want to get involved with leading activities for the youth.
Our service starts with music, prayer along with testimonies and praises, and then after the announcements we turn it over to the minister for a message. We end with a alter call. The minister is available for anointing and praying over any in need.